1. Application to and acceptance in any magnet school, magnet cluster school or GEAP school or program shall be made without regard to whether a student is eligible for transportation services. Hence, a student may apply and be accepted to a magnet school or program regardless of whether the student would be entitled to receive transportation. 2. CPS provides transportation services during the regular school day to students attending its magnet schools and programs in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, any board reports related to specific schools and the following requirements. Subject to the availability of funding, the following transportation services will be provided during the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school years: a. Transportation service is provided to those students attending an elementary magnet school, who live more than 1.5 miles and less than 6.0 miles from the school in which they are enrolled. |
3. The provisions of this Policy will not act to limit the entitlement of any student who receives transportation services as a result of IEP accommodations, homelessness or any other program that provides transportation services.
4. Transportation services are not provided to any student residing less than 1.5 miles from the school they are attending, unless a safety hazard exists within the minimum transportation distance. Parents requesting transportation within the 1.5 mile area must complete the “Request for Exception Application for Determination of Serious Safety Hazard” form and return it to the school principal. The request must be approved by the Management Support Director with any appeals going to the Office of P-12 Management.
Frazier International
Magnet School 4027 W. Grenshaw Street Chicago, Illinois 60624 Phone: 773.534.6880 Fax: 773.534.6616 |
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